Speaker Series

March 10, 6:30PM – 8:30PM
Title: Madame Adrienne de Lafayette: Liberty and Justice for All
Location: The Circuit Amenity Center

Weed Warriors

March 25, 9:00AM – 12:00PM

Help maintain our beloved Park by participating in and upcoming Weed Warriors volunteer day! Activities could include cutting or hand-pulling invasive vegetation and/or repairing riparian buffer fencing.

Close-toed shoes, socks and long pants are required. Plan to provide your own drinking water and snacks.

Volunteers under age 18 must participate with an adult.

Request to participate: ashley_kroon@nps.gov

Backyard Wilderness: A Film Screening and Panel Discussion

April 3, 2025, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Location: Penn State Great Valley Conference Center Building—Musser Auditorium

Presented in partnership with Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens, Audubon Mid-Atlantic/John James Audubon Center, and the VFPA.

To register: https://greatvalleypsu.my.salesforce-sites.com/summit__SummitEventsRegister?instanceID=a3XDp000000tbTi

Out There: A National Parks Story Screening

April 22, 2025, 7:00PM-8:00PM
Location: Theater at Valley Forge

Tickets: https://vfparkalliance.networkforgood.com/events/81564-out-there-a-national-parks-story-screening-at-valley-forge


Wild Philly by Mike Weilbacher

June 4, 2025,  7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Location: Historic Waynesborough

“Explore why William Penn founded the city between two rivers and the ecological and geological forces that define the region, and hear how the Lenape, the region’s first people were themselves active forces in shaping the landscape.

Learn what flora and fauna Anthony Wayne, George Washington, and Ben Franklin saw during their time and what has changed today.”

Hosted by Historic Waynesborough and the VFPA

To register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wild-philly-by-mike-weilbacher-tickets-1263018264629?aff=oddtdtcreator

Trail Walks

Every Tuesday and Sunday 10:00AM

Trail walks last approximately an hour, and are for all ages, speeds and species-dogs are welcome.

Walks on the first and last Tuesday’s of the month meet at the statue of General von Steuben on Valley Forge Park Road. Sunday walks and all other Tuesday walks meet at 1000 N. Outer Line Drive-park in the lower lot and meet at the cross-walk.

Request to get walk updates: info@vfparkalliance.org

Bird Walks

2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 8:00AM

See and hear different species in a variety of seasons and habitats such as meadow, edge and woods.

For all levels and ages. Novice birders welcome. Bring binoculars and wear sturdy hiking shoes; we walk on a variety of surfaces.

Meet in the Artillery Park parking lot on East Inner Line Drive.

Request to get walk updates: info@vfparkalliance.org